Welcome to the Georgian Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic (GNPLC) blog site!  I am the Registered Dietitian, Jennie McCurdy, at the GNPLC and I will be posting regular messages at this site.  I will be keeping you up to date on what is new in the nutrition world and sharing some tips and strategies that will help you reach your nutrition goals.

For starters – Happy Spring!  It is a time for airing out and doing a thorough clean of the house.  If you are thinking of doing the same for your body and cleaning out your system with a detox diet – keep reading to help you make that decision.  According to Dietitians of Canada (www.dietitians.ca) “there is no scientific evidence to support the need for detoxification diets.  Detox diets claim to  ‘cleanse’ your system of toxins, but your liver, kidneys and intestine already do that for you.  Detox diets typically involve fasting followed by a strict diet.  Frequent fasting or fasting for more than a few days may cause unhealthy side effects such as headaches, dehydration, low blood pressure or an irregular heartbeat.  Some detox diets include intestine-clearing supplements that might actually be harmful.  Your best bet to keep your body healthy is to eat a daily diet based on Canada’s Food Guide” (www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/food-guide-aliment/index-eng.php).

Stay tuned for the next update.  Have a healthy day!