This month’s blog was inspired by Richard Branson.  To quote the billionaire:

“The bigger the dream, the greater the opportunity…If your dreams don’t scare you they are too small…Those who achieve great things are the ones willing to be scared but not scared off. If you dream big and take risks, impossible becomes just a word.”

This isn’t a challenge for anyone to step outside their comfort zone or to gamble on high risk activity.  Instead I would like to ask the same question as Mr. Branson:

What is your big dream, and how are you going to turn it into reality?

When we set dreams for ourselves, goals that become images, they are more likely to become reality.  If you want to go on a trip, take a new course or become a healthier version of yourself take the time to write down those goals and think about what you need to do to make them reality.  What resources do you need? Who can be a supporter? Who has reached this goal before you?  Talking to a social worker can help to clarify goals and build the confidence to go after what you want.

Dare to dream. Set goals.  Tell those around you what you are going to accomplish and let them hold you to it.

Amber Sperling MSW RSW